British Studies
British Broadcasting Corporation, 1927-2002
British Online Archives
Learn how broadcast listener expectations changed and viewer expectations developed in the United Kingdom during the 20th century. These records include both detailed schedules and audience research. They also include commentary on how the BBC interpreted their own performance. The listener research reports include details of what was broadcast during World War 2 and how it was received. These BBC records are valuable as a mirror of the social change that the broadcaster had to reflect in order to engage with its audience.
This series includes 2 collections that may also be purchased separately.
FBIS Daily Reports, 1974–1996 Part 8: Western Europe
Part 8: Western Europe
This fully searchable online collection—one of eight individually available area subsets of FBIS Daily Reports, 1974-1996—consists of the following specific FBIS series: WEU (Western Europe, 1974-1987 and West Europe, 1987-1996). As the indispensable source for insights into decades of turbulent regional history, these reports provide students and scholars with national and occasionally local perspectives through a wealth of original political broadcasts and newspaper coverage.
Politics and protest: from major party politics to popular protest and parliamentary history
British Online Archives
These records start with the first written accounts of parliamentary debates. The Scottish nationalist pamphlets then begin in the mid-19th century, while Labour Party records cover the entire 20th century. Collections upon women and protest include the strike at Bryant and May, Scottish suffragettes, and the anti-war protestor Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner. Content on Conscientious Objection then includes both meetings and publications.
This series includes 12 collections that may also be purchased separately.
Representing Britain: International relations and diplomacy
British Online Archives
The diplomatic collections in this series cover World War 1 and the Spanish Civil War. These records also include the creation of Israel and the campaign for Home Rule in Ireland. Correspondence from the 18th century describes how Britain took India from the native population. Military tactics are also explored in our letters to and from military leaders.
This series includes 6 collections that may also be purchased separately.
The British industrial revolution: mills and education
British Online Archives
This series unites collections that cover different aspects of the industrial revolution. While records on Bolton's mills cover the progress of the textile industry, reports on poor schools show the progress being made on getting children out of mills and into school. Medical essays from this time reveal the health problems affecting the population during this time of great social change. Then papers from Manchester Cathedral's archive show how parish populations were affected by movements of people. This Cathedral archive also contains details of legal judgements made by the church at the time when it served as a small claims court. Shipping records from Liverpool and Bristol then illustrate the pace of this social change through lists of the ships' contents.
This series includes 10 collections that may also be purchased separately.
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