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NewsBank's brand new interface


Updated: Apr 11, 2019

NewsBank is proud to launch their new interface for Australia's Newspapers and Access World News. Designed for faster, more intuitive and easier access to news information, the new interface enables users to filter data with greater precision, compare and contrast ideas and opinions, and to uncover relevant information. In short, better results can be realised with fewer clicks.

Among the many new features are the following enhancements:

  • Users can select filter options both before and after running a search

  • Each news article can be converted to a PDF with a single click

  • Persistent URLs are available for every search and every article, and can be bookmarked for future use

  • Citation methods now include Harvard (author-date) and Australia's very own AGLC

  • Two options to return to the home screen are provided on every page.

To preview the new design and functionality of the enhanced interface, please view this short video introduction to Access World News:

If your library is an existing subscriber to a NewsBank database, you'll be pleased to know that migrating to the new interface is easy. At the library's end, there are no technical changes which need to be made. All URLs, bookmarks, shortcuts, user accounts and email alerts will be brought across to the new interface seamlessly. Importantly, there is no downtime when switching over, and step-by-step user documentation and how-to videos are provided for the library's use.

To find out more, please contact Bezi for further details.

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