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Introducing The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek Online


Updated: Apr 11, 2019

Encyclopedia of Law and Religion Online

The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek Online is the English translation of Franco Montanari’s famous Vocabolaria della Lingua Greca. With an established reputation as the most important modern dictionary for Ancient Greek, it brings together 140,000 words taken from the literature, papyri, inscriptions and other sources of the archaic period up to the 6th Century CE, and occasionally beyond. The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek Online is an invaluable companion for the study of Classics and Ancient Greek, for beginning students and advanced scholars alike.

Translated and edited under the auspices of The Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek Online is based on the completely revised 3rd Italian edition published in 2013.

For a number of years now, scholars at ease in Italian have benefitted enormously from the riches, layout, concision, and accuracy of Professor Montanari's Vocabolario della Lingua Greca, with its added advantage of the inclusion of names. Hence classicists in general will welcome the English version of this very valuable resource. – Professor Richard Janko, University of Michigan

Franco Montanari is a giant in our field, and his Dictionary is a major leap forward for us. – Professor Gregory Nagy, Harvard University

In 2015, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek Online is available for a calendar-year subscription price of EUR 2,000. This price may be pro-rated for the remainder of 2015, or the remainder of 2015 + all of 2016.

To request a free 30-day institutional trial for your library, please contact Bezi.

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