As of 1 October 2015, De Gruyter has appointed Bezi Publishing Services as their authorised representative in Australia and New Zealand for their online product range, including:
We are thrilled to welcome De Gruyter to Bezi and we look forward to helping your library discover their excellent range of online resources designed especially for academic institutions. What does this mean for your library?
Please inform your colleagues and update the library's records to ensure that Bezi is listed as the new contact for these resources. We can be reached on +61 455 864 860 or at info@bezi.com.au.
De Gruyter's offers to CEIRC for ebook packages, ejournal packages, ejournal archives and online databases will be handled by Bezi this year. We expect to submit these offers to CAUL within the next fortnight.
When placing your library's orders with Bezi, please note that De Gruyter will invoice the university directly. We recommend checking with your finance office to find out if your library has an existing account with De Gruyter. If not, please get in touch and we'll send you their payment details.
Check out De Gruyter's extensive range of online resources and contact us for more information.
Visit the Bezi website again soon to learn more about De Gruyter!