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2018 eBook Packages


Updated: Apr 11, 2019

The 2018 ebook frontlist from our publishers Brill, De Gruyter and Peter Lang is out now. From HSS to STEM, to Education, Law and Business, we have it covered. Read on to view this year's title lists and contact Bezi for prices and discounts.


Brill's 2018 eBook Collections

Brill is our go-to publisher for the Humanities, Social Sciences, Human Rights and International Law. Their frontlist ebook collections make a great choice. Each collection can be acquired via a one-time purchase, with no ongoing fees. All collection prices come with an in-built 30% saving, so you know your library is getting more bang for its buck.

Your users can enjoy the convenience of instant access to new and forthcoming titles as they are published throughout the year. Other benefits include perpetual access, DRM-free licensing, re-use in course packs and on learning management systems, ILL, and text and data mining. New package: As of 2018, Brill will now offer ebooks in Educational Research. This follows the acquisition of Sense Publishers (formerly distributed by Springer).

Brill's 2018 eBook Collections [Titles]

Contact Bezi today for more information or to place your order for Brill's 2018 ebook collections. Also, a friendly reminder . . . Brill will be migrating all ebooks and ejournals to their new state-of-the-art platform as of late April. Read more about the transition here.

De Gruyter's 2018 eBook Packages in English

De Gruyter

De Gruyter is one of the world's leading international academic publishers across the full spectrum of both HSS and STEM disciplines. In response to your feedback, we are delighted to announce that De Gruyter will offer English-only frontlist ebook packages as of 2018.

Because these are frontlist packages, your users can enjoy the convenience of instant access to new and forthcoming titles as they are published throughout the year. The 2018 packages will feature all English frontlist titles from De Gruyter, Mouton and Birkhäuser. They will also include the frontlist titles of De Gruyter's partners, such as the university presses of Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Hawai'i, Pennsylvania, Toronto and many more. All De Gruyter ebook packages are sold on a one-off outright purchase basis and each package price comes with an in-built 15% saving. Other benefits include perpetual access, DRM-free licensing, re-use in course packs and on LMSs, and interlibrary loan.

De Gruyter's 2018 eBook Packages in English [Titles]

History [79]

Contact Bezi today for more information or to place your order for De Gruyter's 2018 eBook Packages in English.

Peter Lang's EBS Program for eBooks in English

Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

Peter Lang is an absolute gem in the world of academic publishing, with its contemporary focus and global outlook on the Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Business, Media, and Performing Arts.

To take advantage of Peter Lang's range of 4,000+ ebooks in English, Bezi has negotiated a special offer for any university library in Australia or New Zealand that is interested in an evidence-based selected (EBS) program for Peter Lang's new ebook platform. EBS is a great new way for libraries to tackle ebook acquisition. Your users can enjoy access to the maximum pool of titles from both the backlist and frontlist, including new and forthcoming titles as they are released throughout the year. It also provides budget certainty through a set price. Here is how it works. Libraries that take up an EBS program will receive 12 months' unlimited access to all English titles from Peter Lang, including the 2018 frontlist. At the end of the EBS program, libraries can view their usage statistics and gain perpetual access to a selection of titles of their choosing, up to the value of the EBS fee paid. Contact Bezi today for more information or to place your order for an EBS ebook program with Peter Lang for 2018.

Please click here to download Peter Lang's latest title list for all ebooks in English. This title list can be filtered by the following subjects:

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