As of October 2018, British Online Archives has appointed Bezi Publishing Services as their authorised representative in Australia and New Zealand to promote their exceptional range of primary source collections.
British Online Archives is one of the United Kingdom’s leading academic publishers for research into the Humanities and Social Sciences. They are the digital arm of Microform Imaging Ltd, who have been a leader in the preservation of Britain’s archival and cultural heritage in microform and digital formats for more than sixty years.
British Online Archives offers access to 80+ collections of primary source documents, organised in 11 thematic series, sourced from the finest libraries and archive holdings in the UK. Contributing libraries include the British National Archives, the British Library, the National Libraries of Scotland and Wales, the Bodleian Library, the BBC, the Imperial War Museum, and many more. Though the sources themselves are usually British in origin, the collections are international in scope.
To this end, the British Online Archives platform hosts over 3 million records, covering 1,000 years of world history, from politics and warfare to slavery and medicine. To learn more about British Online Archives, please visit:
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New in 2018:
We are delighted to welcome British Online Archives to Bezi and we look forward to helping your library discover their outstanding range of primary source collections.
To learn more about British Online Archives, or to request a trial or quote for any of their primary sources collections, please contact Bezi.
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