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The Bezi Team and ALIA Online 2019


Updated: Apr 11, 2019

Announcement: Craig Pett Joins Bezi

Team Bezi group photo

(The Bezi Team!, L-R: Louise, Craig and Andrew)

Bezi is delighted to formally announce the appointment of Craig Pett as our new National Sales Manager for Australia and New Zealand.

Please join us in warmly welcoming Craig to the Bezi team!

Many of you will already know Craig well from his former role working with academic libraries over the past seven years. In his new role at Bezi, Craig will continue to assist your library with its electronic resource needs, with a broad range of exceptional content available from our eight academic publishers. Craig can be reached on +61 429 125 555 or via He looks forward to hearing from you and meeting with you in the near future!

Meet Bezi at ALIA Online 2019

It's hard to believe, but the ALIA Information Online 2019 Conference is only three weeks away! We invite you and your colleagues to visit Bezi at Booth 36+37 at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney on 12–14 February 2019. Both Louise and Craig will be available at the Bezi booth. We'd love to catch up with you, and update you on all the latest news from our eight academic publishers. Our meeting schedule is booking up quickly! To secure an appointment at your preferred time, please contact at any time between now and the conference.

ALIA Online 2019

Meet Our Special Guests at ALIA Online 2019

Bezi is delighted to inform you that we will have two international special guests at the booth at ALIA Online 2019:

Tim Russell

Based in the US, Tim Russell is the Vice President of International Markets at both NewsBank and Readex. Tim is passionate about news information across the world, and he is actively involved in the curation of news content from both contemporary and historical sources. Tim is particularly excited to tell you more about NewsBank's range of resources designed for libraries in our region, including Access Australia, Access New Zealand, and the new Image Editions for major local newspapers.

Based in Singapore, Tony Ng is the Senior Sales Manager at De Gruyter for the Asia-Pacific. Tony is involved in the acquisition of local content for academic libraries in Asia and surrounds, which is reflected in De Gruyter's expanded publishing program. Tony is excited to tell you more about De Gruyter's vast range of ebooks, ejournals, and databases, as well as their Publisher Partners, and their popular EBA program for universities.

We look forward to seeing you at ALIA Online 2019!
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