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Focus on EMIS!

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Image shows EMIS logo

This month's blog focuses on EMIS University, an industry-leading business intelligence database.

EMIS is an e-resource every business faculty should have. Why? Because it combines powerful data, analysis, and news for the world's emerging markets. That's coverage of 168 countries which are often overlooked by other business databases, but which are crucial to the global economy. Read on to learn more!

EMIS University: What's in it?

Image shows statistics and forecasts related to countries.

Coverage of 168 countries, bringing diversity and equity to business research

Image shows details of a specific company profile

9.5+ million company profiles, both listed and unlisted, including 2.3 million with financial statements

Image shows details of a specific industry

460,000+ research reports per year on 250+ industries

Image shows the cover of INDIA: PHARMA & HEALTHCARE SECTOR 2021/2025 (An EMIS insights industry report)

52,000+ business news stories daily in 16 languages, with a translation function

Industry reports and business news aggregated from 5,000+ expert sources worldwide

10 Simple Steps to Get Started with EMIS (YouTube, 3:23)

API: A New Way to Research

EMIS is excited to announce that they now offer academic libraries two modes of access for subscription: IP authentication and/or API delivery.

Image shows a simplified graphic demonstrating how data is sent from the EMIS database in response to receiving requests from the client.

Do your university's students prefer to retrieve and analyse business data using programming languages like Python and R? If so, EMIS's API is a new mode of access which can create all kinds of opportunities for business and economic research.

Text and data mining for non-commercial purposes is permitted via EMIS's API.

New Content in 2021

  • EMIS University now offers complete coverage of all 2 million company profiles from China (businesses with more than US $1 million in revenue)

  • Oxford Business Group has begun to license their internationally acclaimed reports for the world's emerging markets to EMIS

  • Frost & Sullivan has chosen to license their expert industry reports from the world's emerging markets; these reports are unique to EMIS.

For more information and to request a free 30-day trial, please contact Bezi.


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